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TITLE: Members of One Another

TEXT: Romans 12:4-5
PROPOSITION: We are not Christians in isolation from each other.


  1. The Bible is clear

  2. Paul uses similar phrases more than 30 times

    1. Church is compared to a body

    2. We are each members

    3. Differ in function and use

    4. But must function in harmony with each other

  3. Paul does NOT say – try to, seek to, work to discover your gift

  4. How can we be members of one another? Three ways to look at this.

No Individual Can Function Effectively by Himself

  1. All members are built together – Romans 12:2

  2. We must love one another – Romans 12:9

  3. Together we can do – Romans 12:11-15

  4. This is how we are described – Ephesians 2:21-22

No Member of Christ’s Body should feel he is more Important than Another Member of Christ’s Body

  1. This is God’s way – 2 Corinthians 12:14, 27

  2. Body members are united – 1 Corinthians 12:15-17

  3. Each has a gift as God sees best – 1 Corinthians 12:18-20

  4. All are EQUALLY important – 1 Corinthians 12:22-26

All Members of Christ’s Body Must Work Hard at Creating Unity in the Body of Christ

  1. Endeavoring to maintain unity – Ephesians 4:3-5

  2. Every member has been given grace – Ephesians 4:7

  3. We are joined together – Ephesians 4:15-16


  1. Most references to the church use the figure of a body

  2. I am a vital part of the body

  3. I cannot expect heaven unless I function in the body

  4. This church does not function in automatic overdrive

  5. We need each other.


_____ I am doing all I can to help other believers become mature in Christ – measured according to the qualities specified in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.

_____ I look for as many opportunities as possible to encourage other mature Christians to participate in teaching the Scriptures, praying, helping others, counseling, etc.

_____ I realize that God can use other members of the body of Christ, even though they may not have had as much training as I have.

_____ I have a subtle sense of pride which keeps telling me I’m the only one capable of effectively ministering to other people.

_____ I have difficulty trusting other members of Christ’s body – either because I have not viewed other Christians properly, or I am threatened by the fact that they might be able to do things better than I can.

Make a list of your strengths – accentuate them.

Make a list of your weaknesses – eliminate them.

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